Assam doctor tags COVID-19 as 'hoax', files complaint with CBI

File Image: Dr Satyakam Phukan
File Image: Dr Satyakam Phukan
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Guwahati: Although Central Government data shows that close to 20,000 COVID-19 cases have been detected in a single day across India, Assam doctor Satyakam Phukan, who claims that the coronavirus is a hoax, has filed an FIR with the CBI. Phukan has also submitted an appeal and sent it to many in power, including the President of India, Ramnath Kovind.

"When it was said that the disease first originated in Wuhan, it was reported that a cruise Diamond Princess had reported positive cases. The ship was not allowed to dock at Tokyo harbour. It was roaming from port to port. It was finally allowed to dock in Cambodia, and even that was withdrawn. It is impossible for a ship to travel from Tokyo harbour to Cambodia", Phukan said, casting his doubts on the authenticity of the global accounts.

"I do not know a single person who has it. I have not met anyone like that. A friend of mine had gone to Mumbai and after returning, was quarantined at Paltan Bazar. Later, he was also quarantined at home and I saw him and he was normal. Later, however, a report came in and he was declared as positive", Phukan said in an interview.

Phukan also cast doubts about the concept of social distancing that has been engineered to contain the disease and said that such concepts are only to be found in the domain of psychiatry.

Additionally, he also questioned why people are being made to don masks, which he said are only used in emergency services such as surgery. "It obstructs the flow of air, and it is unnecessary", Phukan posited. The doctor also said that frequent hand-washing will cause fungal infections, brought on by the depletion of fatty acids.

He also said that the Russian Yandex search engine has shown the virus to be a hoax. "In America, corporate channels are saying that hospitals are choc-a-bloc full of patients. However, a person entered a hospital with a body cam, and saw that not a single patient was there in the hospital", Phukan said, further alleging that the celebrities are being doled out huge sums of money for advertisements raising doubts about

Responding to naysayers who might challenge his allegations, Phukan said, "From my own experience as a doctor, I don't see any reason to don masks and observe social distancing. Patients should be treated and isolated – what is happening is unnecessary." "They should not create drama out of the medical science; now, they are chasing viral disease by clanging utensils and lighting lamps", he further added.